Here at Your Caring Dentist, our team of excellent dental professionals perform a wide range of dental procedures with state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. We adhere to the highest standard of sterility, and are in compliance with all regulations currently in effect. We invite you to inquire about and inspect our sterilization process.
When you book an appointment with Your Caring Dentist, you know that the care you will receive is top-notch, and cutting edge. From regular checkups and cleanings to non-surgical gum care, to ending your struggle with bad breath for good: we’ve got you covered.
To restore a patient’s mouth to a healthy, attractive, and functional condition, the Your Caring Dentist team uses state-of-the-art techniques along with the strongest, longest-lasting, most natural-looking materials. Tired of metal in your smile? We can replace your old amalgam fillings which may be damaging your health, should they need replacing. Bridges, crowns, veneers, and bleaching are just some of the services we provide.
We offer the best surgical treatments for all required oral health issues. From wisdom tooth removal to implants and jaw reconstruction, we offer the most effective and up-to-date treatments available.
At Your Caring Dentist, we absolutely care about your complete health by practicing functional dentistry. It is a holistic approach to understanding your oral health by understanding its connections to your systemic health. We assess your general health along with your oral health to make you healthier and happier.